AgroAction is a carrier type A, certified by OPEKEPE in the district of Kavala and can take over the submission for the application for Complete Aid (ΕΑΕ) meant for agricultural businesses.

EAE includes the submission of information or documents related to:

a. The application for direct support for farmers that belong to the first pillar of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy), their potential participation in agricultural development schemes of the second pillar of CAP

b. The insurance application of rural production, a regulatory responsibility of all farmers under the law Ν. 3877/15.10.2010 (ΦΕΚ 160/Α/2010), also known as, “Protection and Insurance System for Agricultural Activities”

c. The information update or subscription application on the Farmers Register, a regulatory responsibility of all farmers under the law Ν. 3874/03.09.2010 (ΦΕΚ 151/Α/2010), also known as, “Farmers and Agricultural Holdings Register”

EAE/OSDE application is the basis of for all agricultural holdings and should be submitted by all farmers and livestock breeders annually. Upon submission, specialized AgroAction staff inform farmers about the latest CAP and the relevant criteria (such as crop rotation, permanent pasture preservation, the existence of ecofriendly focus, fallow) that one should meet in order to obtain the green financial aid.
Apart from the EAE/OSDE application submission process, we also provide the following services:

• Filling in Rental Agreements
• Appeals regarding Agricultural Parcels Eligibility
• Administrative Services
• Error Amendments
• Subscription to Farmers and Agricultural Holdings Register
• Compensatory Allowances
• Issuing of Certified Copies

Please see below the required documentation for the submission of ΕΑΕ (OSDE)

• Latest Tax Clearence Report
• ID
• Health Insurance Number and Documentation
• Bankbook
• Ε9 Document or Contract
• Rental Agreement Documents
• Cattle Holdings Register
• Invoices/Wheat Cards
• Seed and Beet Production Agreements
• Young Farmers Supporting Document
• Early Retirement Supporting Document
• Improvent Scheme Supporting Document
• Biological Farming and Livestock Breeding Supporting Document

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