Scheme 9 supports the formation of producer groups and organizations, in order to face the challenges of the market together, to strengthen their bargaining power, to negotiate a better share within the market and finally to minimize investment costs.

The main beneficiaries of this scheme are new producer groups and organizations that are based in Greece, have been officially recognized based on the n. 4384/2016 law and belong in the category of very small, small or medium businesses.

The scheme offers financial aid, that is disbursed to the beneficiaries on a yearly basis during the first five (5) years of the producer group/organization’s activity and is calculated as a percentage of the yearly marketable value of the group/organization’s products and is decreasing.

The scheme aims to:

• adjust the production process and the products to the demands of the market

• circulate goods on the market, including the sale and supply to bulk buyers

• establish common rules, a code of conduct that will define their commercial activity

• minimize production cost

• develop business administration and commercial skills and to encourage innovation.

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